Is Homeownership still a Smart Move?

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Judith Sutton ABR CRS IDS PMN ASP IAHSP SRES GREEN   908 803-0472


Why homeownership is still a smart financial move

and always will be!

Invited Guest Contributors  NPR GRARATE JEFF GREENE 

Sir Isaac Newton’s groundbreaking theories on gravity are not new.  

But one question remains: Does Newton’s famous axiom, “What goes up, must come down” apply to the housing market? And if so, are they still “going up,” or are they about to “come down”?

The housing sector: A wild ride

Over the past few years, the housing sector has gone from being one of the most robust and healthy parts of the economy to being in crisis. Housing has surged. But as mortgage rates have risen into the 8% range over the last few months, housing inventory has gotten low, and housing has struggled. Despite higher rates, home prices have remained high.

Some industry watchers are convinced that a crash can’t be lurking too far behind. The overheated prices and the all-cash bidding have brought on bidding wars. In the words of certain pundits of the real estate industry, we’re in a bubble, heading for a bust.

But do these warnings pass the truth test? How much do the specific conditions affecting the housing market today compare to, say, (for those of us who remember) 2008’s financial crisis? Parallels to previous housing bubbles may not be the best place to start.

Home investment remains strong

Prices continue to climb or remain high in our Somerset Hills area. As housing analysts know, it’s only a bubble if it bursts. Homebuying is a key way to build long-term wealth while contributing to the well-being of our communities, families, and individuals. Simply stated, homeownership is foundational to American life. While housing markets will invariably go up and down over several years, “home as investment” is as strong as ever. What underlying conditions are pushing prices upwards? What is the role of inventory and the many new and diverse populations who take pride in homeownership? 

We’re convinced buying a home is still a smart financial move.  Now can be a great time to enter the marketplace and begin your home-buying journey.

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